Acoustic Guitar Lessons for Beginners
If you're a complete beginner to learning guitar, in my opinion, step-by-step guitar lessons is the best way how to learn the acoustic guitar
because it is extremely thorough and goes through all the fundamentals
that are essential for beginner guitarists, and if you take the time to
learn these, you will actually make faster progress.
Before you will be able to play all your favourite songs you’ll need to know about the basic chords on the guitar. Chords are the backbone to all great songs and are vital to play well, when becoming a great guitarist. Each lesson in this course will teach you techniques and concepts at an easy pace so you can progress as fast as you like and at a rate you can handle.
Your first scale and chords are where the fun begins. Once you are able to play your first simple song, you’ll already be able to serenade your loved one or your dog (if you still want a very forgiving audience.)
Quick Tips for Playing Guitar for Absolute Beginners:
Before you will be able to play all your favourite songs you’ll need to know about the basic chords on the guitar. Chords are the backbone to all great songs and are vital to play well, when becoming a great guitarist. Each lesson in this course will teach you techniques and concepts at an easy pace so you can progress as fast as you like and at a rate you can handle.
Your first scale and chords are where the fun begins. Once you are able to play your first simple song, you’ll already be able to serenade your loved one or your dog (if you still want a very forgiving audience.)
Developing Finger Coordination for Playing Guitar
Coordination is one of the trickiest parts to learning to play guitar, but in the course, I give you some very easy exercises you can even do in silence just to get your fingers accustomed to creating new formations. When it comes to strumming the guitar, it is best to have mastered the chord configurations first, so there are play-along lessons for building up your muscle memory of the shapes before we progress to strumming with the other hand.Quick Tips for Playing Guitar for Absolute Beginners:
- Try to have shorter sessions and have them more frequently, as this will help with combating finger pain, muscle fatigue and strengthening your muscle memory.
- Use the practice template and set up reminders so that you practice regularly, even if it is starting with 5 min here and there. Consistency when learning the guitar is key!
- Self-check. Continually, play chords just one string at a time to check that each note is ringing out. When you learn in person your guitar teacher would pull you up on this all the time, but when you do and online course for guitar, it is very important you check for clarity of tones yourself constantly, as you need your muscle memory to remember the chords correctly in your early days of playing guitar. This takes discipline as it is quite tempting just to strum and not slow down enough to check that every note is ringing, but trust me, if you slow down and check properly, you’ll be a much better guitarist for it later on.
- When playing chords, press hard, but not too hard on the strings, you need enough pressure to have the notes ring out, but not too hard that your hand cramps. It’s about finding the perfect pressure amount for maximum output and minimum pain.
- It will feel strange for the first few days, but have patience with yourself and know that with regular short sessions, you’ll be making progress in no time and that will inspire you to keep going. After all, a journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step.
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